BlueBOLT can be used in integrated electronics systems to drastically reduce service calls by remotely rebooting problem components, sending alerts regarding onsite system issues, managing energy use, monitoring network connectivity, and much more.
BlueBOLT is a valuable technology for system support providers. Remote management and rebooting of locked-up electronics can reduce onsite service calls by as much as 80%, saving time and money.
BlueBOLT can send alerts to instantly warn you of power issues like power outages. Know the moment it happens so you can take steps to keep your system (or your client’s system) up and running.
Standby power is often identified as one of the biggest wastes of electric power, adding up to more than $3 billion of annual energy costs in the U.S. alone.
BlueBOLT lets you automatically shut off all power to electronic devices during non-use hours to reduce your energy bills and your impact on the environment.
Ping networked devices through the BlueBOLT interface and build in corrective actions to restore the network. Set up a ping schedule to help keep the network healthy.
BlueBOLT’s cloud-based communications provides an incredibly easy setup procedure – simply plug your BlueBOLT-enabled power management component into the wall, connect it to a standard Ethernet cable with an active Internet connection, and plug in your electronic components. BlueBOLT will automatically detect your device as active and you can immediately register it and begin monitoring and control from your computer, tablet or smartphone: no static IP addresses or port forwarding is needed.