For decades, traditional audio/video components were simple analog devices designed to easily weather power outages of well over two seconds. Later, as computer and microprocessor based components gained in popularity, their extraordinary sensitivity to even a fraction of a second’s power loss was managed with traditional UPS (uninterruptible power supply) technology.
Unfortunately, these units were solely designed for the I.T. professional. Though they included many technologies and features appropriate to that application, they fell short for premium audio/video components. Though many of these manufacturers later recognized the ever-emerging professional audio/video, broadcast, and home theater market, their lack of experience led merely to a re-tooled chassis. These hastily produced UPS devices lacked the technologies necessary to truly optimize protection, performance, and control for today’s audio video components.
The Furman F1500-UPS more than fills this void, and offers your system unparalleled battery back-up technology, created from the ground up to meet the exacting demands of the world’s most sensitive audio, video and control systems!